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      Environmental Sustainability Policy

      Environmental Sustainability Policy

      Updated: 07-07-2021


      Environmental protection is management’s responsibility as well as the responsibility of every Carey International employee. Carey is committed to continual improvement in environmental performance and waste reduction and the integration of environmental aspects into our business activities.  We actively seek ways to reduce our environmental impact on air, soil and water from our in-house operations. As a company whose operations necessarily involve extensive use of fossil fuel, our primary focus is the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

      We seek to ensure the efficient implementation of our environmental policy via an environmental management system that includes sound objectives, programs and monitoring. We ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and furthermore, we integrate environmental aspects in internal communication and training. We welcome open dialogue and communicate actively with all relevant stakeholders.

      This policy addresses all aspects of Carey’s operations that can potentially impact the environment. Carey International shall seek to:

      Conduct its operations in accordance with applicable environmental protection laws, regulations and standards and provide a mechanism for self-monitoring to ensure compliance and continual improvement.

      Establish specific corporate targets and objectives as well as the means to measure progress in reaching these targets and objectives. These targets and objectives shall be reviewed and revised as necessary on an annual basis.

      Partner with programs, governments, and agencies to diligently pursue the means to reduce and/or mitigate Carey’s impact on the environment.

      Promote employee awareness of environmental issues and provide education on what individual actions can be taken to reduce their impact of the environment.

      Promote the adoption of environmental protection goals and practices by our contractors and suppliers, and strongly encourage improvements in their practices to make them more consistent with those of Carey.

      Operate our facilities and conduct our business in an energy efficient and environmentally responsible manner.

      Improve operations and technologies to minimize waste through recycling and disposing of all waste using safe and responsible methods.

      Convey to our customers, industry associates, vendors and the general public our strong environmental, safety and health commitment.

      Facilitate relationships between our clients and carbon offsetting programs, for those clients looking to reduce their carbon footprint through direct investment.

      Assess the condition of property interests that are acquired by Carey, and appropriately address the environmental impacts caused by these properties.

      Ensure that the Board of Directors is fully informed about pertinent environmental issues and Carey’s plan to resolve them.

      Establish procedures for periodic review of environmental compliance with all laws and regulations, and

      Promptly correct any practice or condition not in compliance with this policy.